With the help of DeqMail you can create instantly, without any restrictions, free email addresses and use them for registrations, applications and so on. You can generate a random name for the address or enter your own. Letters come instantly!
DeqMail is an absolutely free service, without any subscriptions. Forget about spam, advertising mailings, phishing and hacking attempts, along with temporary mail you can hide your real email address, keep your real mailing address clean and safe. DeqMail Temporary Mail provides a short-lived, anonymous, free, one-time, fake hourly email address.
With DeqMail you can create temporary mailboxes with a random name, or using your address, and this is absolutely free!
Typically, temporary addresses are called "ten-minute", one-time mail, fake email, partisan mail, mailinator, getairmail, mohmal mail, throwawaymail, tempmail, tempail, anonymous-mail, spambox, tmail and not only. DeqMail is also one of them.
Here are a few reasons to USE temporary DeqMail:
- Saves your real inbox from annoying spam
- To create a temporary mail, you do not need to enter anything, we do not need your data, you also do not need to create an account
- Helps generate an infinite number of mailboxes without any restrictions
- Helps protect your privacy and secrecy by preventing spam in your inbox
- You can receive letters to temporary mail with any attachments, for example, archives, documents, images and so on, get access to attachments anonymously
- We support a huge number of languages, which allows anyone to use our application
- You can delete a letter from temporary mail so that it never sees, data is 100% deleted from servers
With DeqMail you can create an unlimited number of mailboxes, easily replace them! You can open attachments, delete letters, use your name for mail and more!
By the way, DeqMail is a temporary mail service, it is intended only for anonymous reading of letters, registration on websites, sending forms and so on, so keep in mind that you can only accept letters, DeqMail does not have the function of sending mail.